Kingdom Fungi

by Wiki Kids Limited



From this App you can learn :Define and identify the structural features of fungi along with mycorrhizae.Recognize fungi as the closest living relatives of animals. Classify the fungal phyla.Recognize how fungi have a powerful impact on ecosystems and human welfare.Identify useful and harmful effects of fungi.Recognize the role of fungi in medicine. Appreciate the role of fungi in the field of molecular biology.List some of the fungal species we see in everyday life.Identify the different species of yeast that help in fermentation and in food processing.More details please visit"" hosts concept oriented content in Maths & Sciencesspecially designed for K-6 to K-12 grades. "Simplyscience enablesstudents to enjoy learning with application oriented, visually richcontent which is simple and easy to understand. The content is aligned tobest practices of learning and teaching.Students can develop strong basics, critical thinking and problemsolving skills to do well in school and beyond. Teachers can use Simplyscience as areference material to be more creative in designing engaging learningexperiences. Parents also can actively participate in their childsdevelopment through Simplyscience".Biology,Evalutionary Biology, Kingdom Fungi, Structure, Nutrition and Fungal Lifestyles, Asexual reproduction in Fungi, Classification of Fungi, Yeast, Basidiomycetes, Fungi Impact on Ecosystem, Useful Fungi, Methods of food preservation, Serum and Antibodies,